In 2010, ASTM International formed Technical Committee F43 for Language Services and Products.
The subcommittees under F43 are:
- F43.01 Language Interpreting*
- F43.02 Foreign Language Instruction*
- F43.03 Language Translation*
- F43.04 Language Testing*
- F43.05 Language Services Companies*
- F43.90 Executive
- F43.91 Terminology
- F43.95 ISOTC 232 Learning Services Outside Formal Education
- F43.96 US TAG to ISO/TC37 Terminology and other Language and Content
* Denotes a subcomittee creating a standard
As an active member of ASTM, GLTaC helped draft and pass a new standard under F43.05 to improve the
language industry (F3130-18 – Standard Practice for Language Service Companies). One of the ways we
are working to do this is to help define what differentiates the Language Service Company (LSC) from
the Language Service Provider (LSP). In the past, the two terms were used interchangeably, causing
confusion. The LSP is the agency or individual actually doing the translation or interpreting. The
LSC is usually the agency contracting with the LSP. The LSC provides project management, serves as
the interface between the client and the LSP, and simplifies life for the buyer of language services.
Buyers of language services need to be active participants in drafting the standards under F43 to
ensure the resulting credential they specify when soliciting LSC bids attracts professional,
reliable and stable LSCs. We encourage our clients to join ASTM F43 and help us make the language
industry better.
You may obtain additional information at: tel. 610-832-9551.